Tour England - Wiltshire

Hari ke-3 di England, selepas bersarapan di hotel, kami mula mengorak langkah menuju ke Wiltshire. Wiltshire terletak di bahagian South West of England. Tempat pertama yg kami tuju di Wiltshire ialah Stonehenge, one of the seven wonders dan menjadi English Heritage since 1986 for their outstanding prehistoric monument from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age periods.

Bercerita sedikit tentang Stonehenge nie,walaupun ramai yg dah tahu. Batu yg seberat 40 tan nie dipercayai telah berada di atas Bukit Salisbury sejak 5000 tahun yg dulu.

Stonehenge became the focal point of a landscape filled with prehistoric ceremonial and burial structures.The great and ancient stone circle of Stonehenge is unique,an exceptional survival from prehistoric culture. It is aligned with the rising and setting of the sun at the solstices, but its exact purpose remains a mystery!

Can't tell it more how impressed I am with this wonder and the natures beauty surrounding it. Let's take a peak!

In A Silence - Tour England (Wiltshire) Slideshow: Nina’s trip from Jubail (near Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia) to Wiltshire, United Kingdom was created by TripAdvisor. See another Wiltshire slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.
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